Role of Airplanes in World War II
World War II began in 1939 with the invasion of Poland, the
bombing of its major cities, and the immediate destruction of the
Polish air force by the German Luftwaffe (airforce). In 1940 the
defeat of Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium, and France was
effected partly through air support. The Battle of Britain, in
August-September 1940, concluded with the RAF Fighter Command
fighting off the Luftwaffe. Strategic bombing efforts to destroy
British factories and civilian morale had failed. The entry of
the United States into the war began with the Japanese carrier-borne
aircraft attacks on Pearl Harbor and the
Philippines. Such attacks quickly destroyed most American land-based
combat aircraft in the Pacific.
In the European theater of operations, air-defense systems in
England were greatly aided by the development of radar to guide
interception, as well as by the inability of German fighter
planes to escort their bombers because of low fuel capacity. The
development of night-fighter systems by the Germans did not begin
until after British night bombers began large-scale raids on
Germany, such as the 1000-plane raid over Cologne in May 1942. At
the same time, American bombers were carrying out early daylight
attacks on specific industrial and military targets. This
Combined Bomber Offensive included the costly Ploesti mission of
August 1, 1943 (planes launched from Africa
to bomb Romanian oil fields) and the Regensburg Schweinfurt
mission of August 17 (the first large-scale American attack on
Germany, launched from bases in England). American losses in
these and other offensives were heavy until 1944, when long-range
P-47 and P-51 escort
fighters became available and made it possible for bombers to
reach sites deep within Germany in relative safety. The Allies
then gained air superiority by destroying German aircraft and
aircraft production facilities. On D-Day (June 6, 1944), Allied
air superiority permitted only a few sorties by the Luftwaffe
against land invasion forces.
German developments, however, indicated the future of air warfare.
Their V-1, or buzz bomb, a pilotless jet-propelled plane carrying
907 kg (2000 lb) of explosives, was directed against England in
June 1944. The V-2, a true guided missile capable of carrying 748
kg (1650 lb) of explosives some 320 km (200 mi), was launched in
September 1944. These attacks came too late to affect the final
outcome of the war, as did the failure of the Germans to use the
Me 262 as a jet fighter until 1945.
In the early days of the war, the China-Burma-India theater was
the site of the efforts of the American Volunteer Group, better
known as the Flying Tigers. After the Japanese conquest of Burma
(now known as Myanmar), supply flights from India to China over
the Himalayas were as important as combat efforts. Bases in China
later served in launching bombing operations against Japan.
In the Pacific theatercarrier-based naval air power. , the Battle
of Midway in June 1942 was a great victory for American The
bomber attacks on Japan. The battles for the Gilbert, Marshall,
and Mariana islands eventually provided bases for Japanese
Superfortress, starting in 1944, had not developed strong air
defenses at home, and the use of the Boeing B-29 caught them
March 9, 1945, a massive incendiary unprepared to detect bombers
or to coordinate army and navy efforts. On raid Enola Gay dropped
the first atomic destroyed about one-fourth of the buildings in
Tokyo, and on August 6, the B-29 bomb on Hiroshima.
The use of air power resulted in the defeat of Japan without an
invasion and indicated to some that, in a future general war,
ultimate defeat or victory could be determined by air battles.
Some 20 years later, in 1967, this was demonstrated in the Six-Day
War between the Arabs and Israel, which was decided in the first
three hours when the Arab forces lost 452 aircraft.
Post-World War II
By the 1950s, surface-to-air, surface-to-surface, air-to-air, and air-to-surface missiles, as
well as missiles fired from under water, were adopted by the
major powers . The tactical use of piloted aircraft was, however,
continued in the so-called limited wars fought after World War II.
The United States entered the Korean War using World War II
propeller-driven aircraft, but soon employed the U.S. F-80 and F-86
against the Russian-built MiG-15 in the first aerial combats
between jet fighters. For political reasons, U.S. Air Force and
Navy strikes were limited to interdiction-that is, the prevention
of enemy movements and destruction of their communications and
supply lines by gunfire and bombing. In 1954 the doctrine of
massive retaliation suggested that in future conflicts the United
States would not necessarily confine air strikes to the local
area of hostilities, but might strike at the enemy's homeland.
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