Shockwaves and Supersonic Flight
Supersonic flight is defined as flight at a speed greater than
that of the local speed of sound. At sea level, sound travels
through air at approximately 1220 km/h (760 mph). At high
altitudes, sound travels more slowly because the air is less
dense. At the speed of sound, a shock wave consisting of highly
compressed air forms at the nose of the plane. This shock wave
moves back at a sharp angle as the speed increases.
Supersonic flight was achieved in 1947 for the first time by the
Bell X-1 rocket plane, flown by Air Force test pilot Chuck Yeager.
Speeds at or near supersonic flight are measured in units called
Mach numbers, which represent the ratio of the speed of the
airplane to the speed of sound as it moves air. An airplane
traveling at less than Mach 1 is traveling below the speed of
sound (subsonic); at Mach 1, an airplane is traveling at the
speed of sound (transonic); at Mach 2, an airplane is traveling
at twice the speed of sound (supersonic flight). Speeds of Mach 1
to 5 are referred to as supersonic; speeds of Mach 5 and above
are called hypersonic. Designers in Europe and the United States
developed succeeding generations of military aircraft,
culminating in the 1970s with Mach 3+ speedsters such as the
Soviet MiG-25 Foxbat interceptor, the XB-70 Valkyrie bomber, and
the SR-71 spy plane.
The shock wave created by an airplane moving at supersonic and
hypersonic speeds represents a rather abrupt change in air
pressure and is perceived on the ground as a sonic boom, the
exact nature of which varies depending upon how far away the
aircraft is and the distance of the observer from the flight path.
Sonic booms at low altitudes over populated areas are generally
considered a significant problem and have prevented most
supersonic airplanes from efficiently utilizing overland routes.
For example, the Anglo-French Concorde, a commercial supersonic
aircraft, is generally limited to over-water routes, or to those
over sparsely populated regions of the world. Designers today
believe they can help lessen the impact of sonic booms created by
supersonic airliners, but probably cannot eliminate them.
One of the most difficult practical barriers to supersonic flight
is the fact that high-speed flight produces heat through friction.
At such high speeds, enormous temperatures are reached at the
surface of the craft. In fact, today's Concorde must fly a flight
profile dictated by temperature requirements; if the aircraft
moves too fast, then the temperature rises above safe limits for
the aluminum structure of the airplane. Titanium and other
relatively exotic, and expensive, metals are more heat-resistant,
but harder to manufacture and maintain. Airplane designers have
concluded that a speed of Mach 2.7 is about the limit for
conventional, relatively inexpensive materials and fuels. Above
that speed, an airplane would need to be constructed of more
temperature-resistant materials, and would most likely have to
find a way to cool its fuel.
Sound Barrier
In addition to balancing lift, weight, thrust, and drag, modern airplanes have to contend with another phenomenon. The sound barrier is not a physical barrier but a speed at which the behavior of the airflow around an airplane changes dramatically. Fighter pilots in World War II (1939-1945) first ran up against this so-called barrier in high-speed dives during air combat. In some cases, pilots lost control of the aircraft as shock waves built up on control surfaces, effectively locking the controls and leaving the crews helpless. After World War II, designers tackled the realm of supersonic flight, primarily for military airplanes, but with commercial applications as well.
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